Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Art of Fakin' It

Couple of months went by since the last time I got something out of my chest :)
Life , the great cirque de sole we live in has shifted me left and right. Not that I have many readers or people interacted with on this blog but I might as well just say it :)

Since I moved again I've singed up in couple of swedish social website such as and, thanx to my friend Wissam of course :P lol.
I wanted to have more and different kind of friends than I have I RL just to learn new things, get stronger language, blending more in the society since school was kind of segregated community !! Sadly but true. And the job is a one man show with less than 5 hours a week !!
Back to subject. Sadly I met another facts I was trying to avoid since I came here such as, racism, preferences according to color, ethnicity, name, place of birth and the like.
I didn't wanted to look at things one sided to tell the truth I feel like I am being a subject of profiling by people like my color, my ethnicity, first the by Swedes and other nationalities, for things I got nothing to do with !! It's sick and hard when I treat this society and it's people with the most respect I can and get finger flipped in return!

Some profiles made me sick to my stomach! Some of them says "immigrants , don't contact me". It's personal view and can't be confiscated, I agree. But show respect for those who came to this land and did somethings useful to the community in general!! Can't you just ignore any messages you get from an "immigrant" without making a fuss about it?.
I contacted a girl for 3 weeks and we've been very good and things were sweet and friendly. I never heard a word from her since she knew I came from Iraq !! What bugs my nuts is she ain't no Swede!! What the fuck ? What the fuck? I never disrespected her in any possible way! So why? This is just plain sick.
Most of these people describe them self as social !! Sorry you are not! You are faking it. The same as faking being a gangsta or though or nice or human. Just spare me the drama and stop faking it. What I found is this society is sick, all the talk about equality is just a BS it's black or white, actually it's black and yellow.


1 comment:

  1. I've heard some nasty racist things too... and you know like in movies they have the "extra scenes", in my life too, cause I'm Iraqi so people aren't just the regular kind of racist, but a special kind of racist ... I guess they need to justify their war somehow.
