Saturday, July 9, 2011

Samsung Galaxy Mini a smart phone?? It is a stupid phone!!

Google and Samsung should be ashamed of them selv for making such stupid phone and such an idotic system. The devine Galaxi mini (the mini crap) and to call it a smart phone ! This is first class disgrace for their history of services

1- The definition of a smart ass phone is basically a phone so smart that any one would be lazy like hell after using it! While this stupid phone made me work my ass off trying to get Arbic into it and failing. Mainly  because that idiot phone has to be programmed and coded one gazillion time with commands that used in advanced operation systems like Ubuntu !!! I know some basic programing so I was familiar with this crap it put on me,  but to think of someone normal with no experience in the field and all he wants is a good phone with good stuff for a reasonable price (Samsung's Announced Aim), here I have to stop and shout,  you idiots!!! that is a sale gone bye bye to a real smart phone .

2- A smart phone would support Asian language, as these regions are basically 1/3 of the international phone market!! so whats the point of buying a 150$ phone if I cant read nor write Arabic???

3- A smart phone would have an easier to use freaking keyboard! I am sick off getting the wrong letter all the time!! small buttons close to each other ??? WTF

4- More about this messed up keyboard, that the delete key is directly upove the return key!! so when ever you want to erase something you send it instead!! freaking idiots.

5- Camera sucks at both levels, photo and video.

6- No spelling correction!!

7- Three pages on the desktop 2 if them empty and all the icons are inside the menu bix where it has 3 full pages if stupid apps.

8- Keyboard sound anoooooooying like what the fraaaaaaaaaaak!!

9- Almost impossible to copy and paste any text from it!!! uschhhh

I can go on more and more and more about it till the end of life, cuz this stupid sh!t is unbearable!!
Gonna return it in Monday after work.

Samsung you idiots!!
Google you freaking idiots!!
Thank you for making me realizing that Iphone is the best smart phone ever existed and Android SUCK BIG TIME, BIG TIME


  1. Well...
    I like the iphone.. 4S anyways. But I disagree with Joud:
    1: Arabic language support. Yes, I agree, that should be a given.
    2: It's Android.. meaning, you install the keyboard app you like. Stock Android keyboard is not meant to be the best. It just works. Now you can choose if you want to install a better one. (Swype - Go - etc.) Goolge it, you will find it.
    3: Why do you expect a wonderful camera for only 150 bucks?
    4: Copy paste sucks, yes, also on ALL iphones. what to do?
    5: It's a little shitty phone, get an iphone instead, stop complaining, enjoy your iphone at 700 bucks of value for your money.
    6: I do not work for Samsung in any way.
    7: Have a nice timezone.

    1. Hi Anonymous,
      2. Why would I buy a cellphone then install a keyboard app, its like buying a car without seats and buy the seats from somewhere else, the concept it a bit off isn't?
      3. Cuz every1 is comparing Samsung products to Apples IPhone!
      4. Not IPhone.
      5. Done it, but will still complain because every1 doesn't and haven't ever owned an IPhone keep bugging me with how freaking great is their Galaxy smart phones and how better they are than IPhones yet cost less that half the price, like really dude? Put a Ferrari to VW Polo and compare them. Enjoying every bit of it :D. Thanks.
      6. I do work for Apple
      7. Thank you, I wish you a nice timezone too
